User contributions for Oliviamsutton
From WikiAnesthesia
- 06:20, 30 September 2024 diff hist +424 Glycopyrrolate current Tag: Visual edit
- 11:47, 18 August 2023 diff hist 0 N Surgical Procedure Guide Created blank page current Tag: Visual edit
- 11:19, 2 August 2023 diff hist −20,235 Intro to the BWH Pain Rotation Blanked the page current Tags: Visual edit Blanking
- 11:13, 2 August 2023 diff hist −46,483 BWH Pain Attending Preferences Blanked the page current Tags: Visual edit Blanking
- 11:10, 2 August 2023 diff hist −1,787 BWH Pain Attending Preferences Tag: Visual edit
- 11:04, 2 August 2023 diff hist +48,270 N BWH Pain Attending Preferences Created page with "=== Dr. Srdjan Nedeljkovic === * Writes his own procedure notes and does his own telehealth and virtual visits * Sometimes “runs the list” of clinic patients with you in the AM * Always try to order 5 ml vial of Depo-Medrol if available except for TPIs (specifically order 200 mg otherwise defaults to multiple 1 ml vials) * Punctual with clinic and procedures * Wear a mask for procedures * Weekend call: meet ~ 6:30 AM without pre-rounding * Stays in hospital until..." Tag: Visual edit
- 10:51, 2 August 2023 diff hist +20,235 N Intro to the BWH Pain Rotation Created page with " ==Welcome Letter== Hi everyone, Welcome to your chronic pain rotation/fellowship! If you are reading this guide, chances are that you are new to our chronic pain clinic at BWH. We are happy to have you and look forward to working with you! Our hope is that by providing this guide, it will make your transition to our pain clinic easier. The best way to use this guide is to read the relevant sections according to your assignment for the following day, so as not to be in..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:51, 14 June 2023 diff hist +892 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis current Tag: Visual edit
- 08:03, 29 December 2022 diff hist +310 N Femoral nerve block Created page with "== Anatomy == A Femoral Nerve Block aims to deliver local anesthesia to the femoral nerve in the inguinal crease, between the fascia iliaca (superficial) and the psoas and iliacus muscles (deep). == Technique == == Complications == == Uses == Appropriate for hip fracture, femur, patella, quadriceps tendon" Tag: Visual edit
- 14:28, 24 October 2022 diff hist +858 Pneumonectomy current Tag: Visual edit
- 14:14, 24 October 2022 diff hist +711 Pneumonectomy added intraop management Tag: Visual edit
- 14:06, 24 October 2022 diff hist +504 Pneumonectomy Tag: Visual edit
- 14:01, 24 October 2022 diff hist +249 Pneumonectomy Tag: Visual edit
- 13:58, 24 October 2022 diff hist +4,921 N Pneumonectomy Created page with "{{Infobox surgical procedure | anesthesia_type = | airway = | lines_access = | monitors = | considerations_preoperative = | considerations_intraoperative = | considerations_postoperative = }} A pneumonectomy is the surgical removal of an entire lung. It can be performed via VATS or thoracotomy. == Overview == === Indications<!-- List and/or describe the indications for this surgical procedure. --> === * Lung cancer * TB * Severe COPD * Bronchiectasis * Lung a..." Tag: Visual edit
- 13:45, 24 October 2022 diff hist +132 Dental extraction current Tag: Visual edit
- 13:44, 24 October 2022 diff hist +359 Dental extraction Tag: Visual edit
- 13:38, 24 October 2022 diff hist −637 Amniotic fluid embolism current Tag: Visual edit
- 13:36, 24 October 2022 diff hist +520 Thyroidectomy Tag: Visual edit
- 14:00, 20 October 2022 diff hist +146 Uterine rupture current Tag: Visual edit
- 13:57, 20 October 2022 diff hist +615 Uterine rupture Tag: Visual edit
- 13:53, 20 October 2022 diff hist +1,600 N Uterine rupture Created page with "{{Infobox comorbidity | other_names = | anesthetic_relevance = | specialty = | signs_symptoms = | diagnosis = | treatment = | image = | caption = }} Provide a brief summary of this comorbidity here. == Anesthetic implications<!-- Briefly summarize the anesthetic implications of this comorbidity. --> == === Preoperative optimization<!-- Describe how this comorbidity may influence preoperative evaluation and optimization of patients. --> === === Intraoperative..." Tag: Visual edit
- 13:50, 20 October 2022 diff hist +97 Amniotic fluid embolism Tag: Visual edit
- 13:47, 20 October 2022 diff hist +1,564 Amniotic fluid embolism added info Tag: Visual edit
- 13:43, 20 October 2022 diff hist +628 Amniotic fluid embolism Tag: Visual edit
- 13:39, 20 October 2022 diff hist +1,645 N Amniotic fluid embolism started Tag: Visual edit
- 17:28, 29 July 2022 diff hist +53 Tetralogy of Fallot current Tag: Visual edit
- 10:43, 29 July 2022 diff hist +3 Tetralogy of Fallot Tag: Visual edit
- 04:02, 22 July 2022 diff hist +2,093 Myotonic muscular dystrophy current Tag: Visual edit
- 03:51, 22 July 2022 diff hist +1,570 N Myotonic muscular dystrophy Created page with "{{Infobox comorbidity | other_names = | image = | caption = | anesthetic_relevance = | specialty = | signs_symptoms = | diagnosis = | treatment = }}Provide a brief summary of this comorbidity here. ==Anesthetic implications<!-- Briefly summarize the anesthetic implications of this comorbidity. -->== ===Preoperative optimization<!-- Describe how this comorbidity may influence preoperative evaluation and optimization of patients. -->=== ===Intraoperative managem..." Tag: Visual edit
- 08:07, 20 July 2022 diff hist +819 Femoral artery endarterectomy current Tag: Visual edit
- 08:01, 20 July 2022 diff hist +4,303 N Femoral artery endarterectomy started page Tag: Visual edit
- 07:51, 20 July 2022 diff hist +35 Table of contents added femoral artery endarterectomy Tag: Visual edit
- 09:53, 12 July 2022 diff hist +3,734 N Transcarotid Artery Endovascular Revascularization Created page with "{{Infobox surgical procedure | anesthesia_type = | airway = | lines_access = | monitors = | considerations_preoperative = | considerations_intraoperative = | considerations_postoperative = }} Also referred to as a TCAR, a transcarotid artery endovascular revascularization is == Overview == === Indications === === Surgical procedure === == Preoperative management == === Patient evaluation<!-- Describe the unique and important aspects of preoperative evaluatio..." Tag: Visual edit
- 15:25, 4 July 2022 diff hist −43 Antibiotics removed abx guidelines which should be JHH specific Tag: Visual edit
- 09:14, 1 July 2022 diff hist +73 Esophagectomy Tag: Visual edit
- 08:22, 1 July 2022 diff hist +129 Esophagectomy Tag: Visual edit
- 06:55, 1 July 2022 diff hist +429 Ivor Lewis esophagectomy current Tag: Visual edit
- 15:20, 12 April 2022 diff hist −6,702 HSS Replaced content with " **" current Tags: Visual edit Replaced
- 10:41, 7 April 2022 diff hist +1,316 HSS Tag: Visual edit
- 00:02, 7 April 2022 diff hist +3,333 HSS Tag: Visual edit
- 23:45, 6 April 2022 diff hist +1,218 HSS Tag: Visual edit
- 15:59, 6 April 2022 diff hist +838 N HSS Created page with "== Call Responsibilities: == === Signing out PACU patients === * You will be given a phone with an app called 'PerfectServe' on it, which is similar to epic message or CORUS. * Every time a patient is ready to be signed out, you'll get a message from that nurse * You do not have to see the patient, simply go to the patient in Epic and put in the PACU discharge eval * The fastest way to get ahead of these messages is to go to: ** All Status Boards (upper border menu) >..." Tag: Visual edit
- 17:53, 4 April 2022 diff hist +203 Suprapubic cystostomy current Tag: Visual edit
- 17:47, 4 April 2022 diff hist +483 Orchiectomy current Tag: Visual edit
- 17:41, 4 April 2022 diff hist +391 Nephrectomy started, infobox + basics current Tag: Visual edit
- 17:29, 4 April 2022 diff hist +4,061 Lithotripsy Tag: Visual edit
- 17:26, 4 April 2022 diff hist +527 Cystectomy updated bottom table, infobox current Tag: Visual edit
- 17:22, 4 April 2022 diff hist +318 Brachytherapy current Tag: Visual edit
- 17:17, 4 April 2022 diff hist +4,012 N Cystoscopy Created page with "{{Infobox surgical procedure | anesthesia_type = General vs. Spinal (T9-10 level) | airway = LMA more common, ETT rarely | lines_access = PIV x1 | monitors = Standard | considerations_preoperative = | considerations_intraoperative = Lithotomy | considerations_postoperative = Perforation along urinary tract }} A Cystoscopy is a diagnostic procedure that allows direct visualization of the urethra and the bladder. A sterile solution is passed through the cystoscope to slo..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 15:52, 15 March 2022 diff hist +9,184 N Antibiotics Skeletonized Tag: Visual edit