Section editors are members of the WikiAnesthesia editorial team who are responsible for overseeing the creation and maintenance of content within their "section". If you are interested in becoming a section leader, please contact us here or email us at


Section editors have broad editorial authority to manage the content of their section, and have ultimate responsibility to:

  • Author content and review edits from other users
    • Ensure articles reflect current evidence-based practices
    • Ensure articles have adequate and appropriate references cited
    • Limit the scope of the content to ensure rapid usefulness at the point of care
    • Use the "watch" feature to monitor changes and additions to content in the section
  • Organize content
  • Revise article templates (if relevant)
  • Propose and oversee development of new interactive features (if relevant)

Section editors are also encouraged to attend monthly WikiAnesthesia leadership team meetings, when possible.


Section editors must have demonstrated proficiency with authoring content on WikiAnesthesia, and must at least meet the criteria for being an assistant editor to be considered.


  • Section editors are appointed by the Editor-in-Chief
  • Appointment term is for 1 year, which is renewable