
From WikiAnesthesia

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 * @author Chris Rishel
( function() {
    mw.calculators.initializeSearch = function() {
        var $searchContainer = $( '#calculator-search' );

        if( !$searchContainer.length ) {

        var searchHeading = $ 'title' ) ? ' ' + $ 'title' ) : 'Search';

        var $searchHeading = $( '<h4>' ).append( searchHeading );

        var searchPlaceholderText;

        if( $ 'search-placeholder' ) ){
            searchPlaceholderText = $ 'search-placeholder' );
        } else {
            searchPlaceholderText = 'Search ';
            searchPlaceholderText += $ 'title' ) ? $ 'title' ) : 'calculations';

        var searchInputAttributes = {
            id: 'calculator-search-input',
            class: 'form-control form-control-sm',
            type: 'text',
            placeholder: searchPlaceholderText,
            autocomplete: 'off'

        var $searchInput = $( '<input>', searchInputAttributes )
            .on( 'input', function() {
                mw.calculators.searchCalculations( $( this ).val() );
            } )
            .on( 'keypress', function( e ) {
                if( event.keyCode === 13 ) {
                    return false;
            } );

        $searchContainer.append( $searchHeading );

            .append( $( '<form>' )
                    $searchInput ) );

        if( $( mw.calculators.selectors.calculationCategories ).length ) {
            $searchContainer.append( $( '<form>', {
                id: 'calculator-search-category-form'
            } ) );

            var categoryPlaceholderText;

            if( $ 'category-placeholder' ) ){
                categoryPlaceholderText = $ 'category-placeholder' );
            } else {
                categoryPlaceholderText = '(Show all categories)';

            var categorySelectAttributes = {
                id: 'calculator-category-input',
                class: 'custom-select custom-select-sm'

            var $categorySelectInput = $( '<select>', categorySelectAttributes )
                .on( 'change', function() {
                    mw.calculators.selectCategory( $( this ).val() );
                } );

            $categorySelectInput.append( $( '<option>', {
                text: categoryPlaceholderText,
                value: ''
            } ) );

            $( mw.calculators.selectors.calculationCategories ).each( function() {
                $categorySelectInput.append( $( '<option>', {
                    value: $( this ).data( 'id' ),
                    html: $( this ).data( 'title' )
                } ) );
            } );

            $( '#calculator-search-category-form' )
                .replaceWith( $( '<form>', {
                    id: 'calculator-search-category-form'
                } )
                        $categorySelectInput ) );

    mw.calculators.searchCalculations = function( searchText ) {
        var reSearch = new RegExp( searchText, 'im' );

        // Search categories and calculations contained within categories
        $( mw.calculators.selectors.calculationCategories ).each( function() {
            // Get the calculations contained by the category
            var $calculations = $( this ).find( mw.calculators.selectors.calculations );

            // If no search text is defined or if the search text matches one of the search terms,
            // show the category and all calculations.
            var showCalculationCategory = !searchText || reSearch.test( $( this ).data( 'search' ) );

            if( showCalculationCategory ) {
                // If the entire category should be shown, show all calculations
                $calculations.each( function() {
                    $( this ).show();
                } );
            } else {
                // If we aren't certain we should show the entire category, see if the search matches
                // any of the contained calculations.
                $calculations.each( function() {
                    var showCalculation = !searchText || reSearch.test( $( this ).data( 'search' ) );

                    if( showCalculation ) {
                        $( this ).show();

                        // Make sure the calculator heading and structure gets shown
                        showCalculationCategory = true;
                    } else {
                        $( this ).hide();
                } );

            // If either the calculator or any contained calculations matched, show the calculator container
            // (i.e. title and structure for the calculations)
            if( showCalculationCategory ) {
                $( this ).show();
            } else {
                $( this ).hide();
        } );

        // Search calculations not contained by a category.
        $( mw.calculators.selectors.calculations ).not( mw.calculators.selectors.calculationCategories  + ' ' + mw.calculators.selectors.calculations ).each(
            function() {
                if( !searchText || reSearch.test( $( this ).data( 'search' ) ) ) {
                    $( this ).show();
                } else {
                    $( this ).hide();

    mw.calculators.selectCategory = function( calculationCategoryId ) {
        $( mw.calculators.selectors.calculationCategories ).each( function() {
            if( !calculationCategoryId || $( this ).data( 'id' ) === calculationCategoryId ) {
                $( this ).show();
            } else {
                $( this ).hide();
        } );

}() );